Wednesday 9 May 2012

My One Eyed View

Scarborough Bluffs
Viewing the world threw one eye can change your perspective on whats important in life.  Watching waves crash on the shore, hoping to catch that one moment when the spirit of the water has reached its beloved land is worth all the time it took to get the shot.  With the hustle and bustle of life today it is nice to just sit back and wait for the beauty to happen.  No pushing, no hurrying, just a breath waiting to exhale.


I have danced in the woods with the spirit of the Trees in hopes they would give me their wisdom and to my surprise been given a rare opportunity to capture  life among the leaves and moss. At times I have felt like an invading force in their otherwise peaceful existence, but with offerings in hand they have granted me permission to capture them on film and share it with all that can see it.
I am thankful to the spirit that has shown itself to me while I view it from behind my camera, how it has reminded me that life is better slowed down, that it has so much more to give when we take a moment to see it. 

Super Moon

It has been a long time since I have viewed the world through one eye and as I give thanks to all those that support me on this journey and to the Gods that gave me the push to do it.  I am humbled by the beauty, the love and the patients of all that stood still long enough for me to get the shot.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

The Blue Hair Experiment

There are many rites of passage as we grow up.  As young women, we have a cornucopia of firsts.  Our first boy/girl party without parents.  Our first date, our first kiss, first bra, first love and the list goes on.  I love being apart of all of this stuff as my friends girls grow up to fine women just like their mothers.  I will admit however, that there is a small part of me that hates every second of it.  It means they are growing up and soon the shouts of  "whoo hoo! Aunty Crystal is here" will give way to, "Hi, Mom, can I go now" I know this to be a fact as we all did the same thing even if our favorite Aunt was comming for tea.

However, watching them grow up also means being apart of embarrassing moments and catching it on film.  This is my favorite part of the whole  Yes I'm evil, I plan to make collages for wedding days and sweet 16 parties, as a reminder that I am all  Not to mention the photos that will come out when the first date arrives at the door.  If the boy can handle the baseball bat, picture toting, tarot reading crazy Aunt, then he should be well prepared for the insane Uncles handing out death threats, as a warning incase she comes home crying. 

So on Saturday Karen and I started the blue hair experiment.  Abbey wanted to dye her hair blue, well because all her friends were doing it.  I'm in complete support of Hair Rebellion, its only hair and it grows back.  Not to mention if this is the worst she can come up with at 9, I say bring it on!  However, she is only 9 and therefore we must tread lightly.  Be supportive with some guidelines, so 8-10 wash outs and streaks instead of all over was a pretty good compromise.

I have to say that A was quite the trooper even with a cold she sat for over an hour as we pulled her very fine hair out of the little holes in the cap.  Being poked by a crochet hook is not my idea of a fun Saturday morning but she didn't complain once.  We did however, it was way more work then we figured it would be.

The end result was not as dramatic as she had hoped for but she had a big smile on her face and that is all that matters.  We will try again with another product in the future. There will be many more colours in her future and more styles then we are willing to endure, but for now her very first dye job was a success.  I say bring on the Neon Pink!!!!!

Monday 9 April 2012

All Hail Mother Spring!!!!

I have tried to write this entry numerous times. However, the blog template makes me crazy and I have to walk away. So I decided to write the entry in Word and transfer it over. Cursing at the blog that is supposed to be about the journey of my own spirit is not the kind of energy I want for it. So best to walk away and start again.

Since I got my license, I have tried to go to the bluffs for every High Holiday that I was in town for. This one however, was special. This time, I was not going to be the crazy lady on the beach by herself with flowers, and other offerings. This Spring I was going to be the crazy lady at the point with friends to celebrate it with. On Wednesday March 21st, I picked up A and B and we headed to our happy place to celebrate spring. I picked up flowers and put mead and milk and honey into offering jars. We brought the camera so that we could take shots of the sunset and each other.

This was A and B’s first High Holiday celebration with me and even though they are not pagan they wanted to spend this time with me and that truly made the entire event worth it for me. My tribe is scattered all over the province and getting together for Holidays isn’t as easy as we would like it to be and even though I’m completely ok with worshiping on my own, having company is much nicer.

As we got out of the car and headed to our spot the beautiful and talented B looks at me and says, I would like you to teach me about what you do and what you believe in. I will admit that I was moved by this request and did my best not to show my tears of happiness. B is an amazing young lady, with a brilliant head on her shoulders. She is far too much like A and I for her own good sometimes but that is what makes her so awesome to be around.

So as we walked, I explained what we were about to do and why, she listened and asked many questions and by the time we reached the point she was ready for her first, mini ritual. Now this really wasn’t her first, she watches me light candles and incense and chant to the Gods often but this was her first official, (teach me the ropes) ritual. Trying to stay focused when all I want to do is wrap my arms around her and cry with happiness was not an easy thing to do. I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to that sort of thing and this was no exception.

Ostara has always been one of my favourite times of year. It is a time to celebrate new life and new growth. A time to be thankful for Blessing that have not yet come to pass and for those that have sustained us over the cold winter. Now I will admit that this winter was not really one of Canada’s worst winters but it was cold and dark in places and certainly had its moments.

We were lucky this year though, not much snow to shovel and very little hibernation time, spring still brought with it the beauty of rebirth and the love of the season.

The three of us enjoyed the moment and we each took turns throwing our flowers into the water, both to ask and to thank. I gave offerings to the ancestors and to the land spirits that live at the bluffs. I spoke words to the Gods to myself as I strongly feel this is my worship not theirs and I have no right to push my worship on others. In due time B will become apart of that aspect of the ritual as well but for now and for this moment in particular, it was for me and the Gods and not anyone else.

I am thankful for all the wonderful blessings in my life. For the amazing Kith and Kin I have, for the Sisters I share my life with and my stress. For the Muse that keeps me creative, to the Gods who keep me and mine safe and for my Darling husband who no matter what crazy hobby I embark on he is standing there with pompoms to cheer me on.

In the immortal words of my Dear friend Carol......I love my Life!!!

Spring Blessing to each and everyone who reads this blog. May Spring share its beauty with you.

We give Thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Spring is in the Air

Tuesday we decided to toss The Lovers and the beautiful Brooklyn (Mini Pants) into the car and head out to our happy place.  

The warm spring winds played happily with our long hair and had all of us giggling like school girls. I'm sure we stayed longer then we should have, but really how long is too long. We were enjoying the laughter and each others company. 

In the distance we could hear the sound of the geese honking and the swans protesting their arrival.  As most of you know I'm not a bird fan, I love the beauty of them but only from afar.  However, they were singing the song of happy spring and really how could any one not enjoy it.  

I saw my first red winged black bird and stood and watched it jumping from branch to branch, safely hiding behind Angie, in case it decided to attack.  But alas it was too fast for me and I was unable to capture it's beauty.  I'm not disappointed mind you, not sure if I really could have handled being close enough to get the shot anyway.  

I truly love my days at the bluffs and hold each one close to my heart for rainy days.  At this time of year the anticipation of new birth, is sometimes more then I can handle.  The closer I get to our happy spot the more excited I become.  Will I find new buds on trees awaking from their winter slumber.  Will I actually be able to roll up my pant legs and walk along the waters edge.  Angie says its still to cold and I have to keep my shoes on.....Blah, Blah, Blah.  I know she has my health and well being at heart, but the energy of the Lady calls me to her and all I want is to walk with her. 

For Angie and I the journey has just begun and as we spend our afternoons, (on her off days) playing on the beach with the dogs and enjoying all The Bluffs have to offer, we will take the time to search ourselves and share our common search for peace.

Ostara is just around the corner and as always I will welcome spring at the edge of the water giving thanks for the beauty and rebirth that spring brings with it.  Thankful for every beautiful moment, always aware that this is just the beginning, and wondering what beauty lies in wait for us to discover.

Let the Beauty you love, Be what you do.
There are hundreds of ways, to kneel and kiss the ground.