Thursday 15 March 2012

Spring is in the Air

Tuesday we decided to toss The Lovers and the beautiful Brooklyn (Mini Pants) into the car and head out to our happy place.  

The warm spring winds played happily with our long hair and had all of us giggling like school girls. I'm sure we stayed longer then we should have, but really how long is too long. We were enjoying the laughter and each others company. 

In the distance we could hear the sound of the geese honking and the swans protesting their arrival.  As most of you know I'm not a bird fan, I love the beauty of them but only from afar.  However, they were singing the song of happy spring and really how could any one not enjoy it.  

I saw my first red winged black bird and stood and watched it jumping from branch to branch, safely hiding behind Angie, in case it decided to attack.  But alas it was too fast for me and I was unable to capture it's beauty.  I'm not disappointed mind you, not sure if I really could have handled being close enough to get the shot anyway.  

I truly love my days at the bluffs and hold each one close to my heart for rainy days.  At this time of year the anticipation of new birth, is sometimes more then I can handle.  The closer I get to our happy spot the more excited I become.  Will I find new buds on trees awaking from their winter slumber.  Will I actually be able to roll up my pant legs and walk along the waters edge.  Angie says its still to cold and I have to keep my shoes on.....Blah, Blah, Blah.  I know she has my health and well being at heart, but the energy of the Lady calls me to her and all I want is to walk with her. 

For Angie and I the journey has just begun and as we spend our afternoons, (on her off days) playing on the beach with the dogs and enjoying all The Bluffs have to offer, we will take the time to search ourselves and share our common search for peace.

Ostara is just around the corner and as always I will welcome spring at the edge of the water giving thanks for the beauty and rebirth that spring brings with it.  Thankful for every beautiful moment, always aware that this is just the beginning, and wondering what beauty lies in wait for us to discover.

Let the Beauty you love, Be what you do.
There are hundreds of ways, to kneel and kiss the ground.