Monday 9 April 2012

All Hail Mother Spring!!!!

I have tried to write this entry numerous times. However, the blog template makes me crazy and I have to walk away. So I decided to write the entry in Word and transfer it over. Cursing at the blog that is supposed to be about the journey of my own spirit is not the kind of energy I want for it. So best to walk away and start again.

Since I got my license, I have tried to go to the bluffs for every High Holiday that I was in town for. This one however, was special. This time, I was not going to be the crazy lady on the beach by herself with flowers, and other offerings. This Spring I was going to be the crazy lady at the point with friends to celebrate it with. On Wednesday March 21st, I picked up A and B and we headed to our happy place to celebrate spring. I picked up flowers and put mead and milk and honey into offering jars. We brought the camera so that we could take shots of the sunset and each other.

This was A and B’s first High Holiday celebration with me and even though they are not pagan they wanted to spend this time with me and that truly made the entire event worth it for me. My tribe is scattered all over the province and getting together for Holidays isn’t as easy as we would like it to be and even though I’m completely ok with worshiping on my own, having company is much nicer.

As we got out of the car and headed to our spot the beautiful and talented B looks at me and says, I would like you to teach me about what you do and what you believe in. I will admit that I was moved by this request and did my best not to show my tears of happiness. B is an amazing young lady, with a brilliant head on her shoulders. She is far too much like A and I for her own good sometimes but that is what makes her so awesome to be around.

So as we walked, I explained what we were about to do and why, she listened and asked many questions and by the time we reached the point she was ready for her first, mini ritual. Now this really wasn’t her first, she watches me light candles and incense and chant to the Gods often but this was her first official, (teach me the ropes) ritual. Trying to stay focused when all I want to do is wrap my arms around her and cry with happiness was not an easy thing to do. I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to that sort of thing and this was no exception.

Ostara has always been one of my favourite times of year. It is a time to celebrate new life and new growth. A time to be thankful for Blessing that have not yet come to pass and for those that have sustained us over the cold winter. Now I will admit that this winter was not really one of Canada’s worst winters but it was cold and dark in places and certainly had its moments.

We were lucky this year though, not much snow to shovel and very little hibernation time, spring still brought with it the beauty of rebirth and the love of the season.

The three of us enjoyed the moment and we each took turns throwing our flowers into the water, both to ask and to thank. I gave offerings to the ancestors and to the land spirits that live at the bluffs. I spoke words to the Gods to myself as I strongly feel this is my worship not theirs and I have no right to push my worship on others. In due time B will become apart of that aspect of the ritual as well but for now and for this moment in particular, it was for me and the Gods and not anyone else.

I am thankful for all the wonderful blessings in my life. For the amazing Kith and Kin I have, for the Sisters I share my life with and my stress. For the Muse that keeps me creative, to the Gods who keep me and mine safe and for my Darling husband who no matter what crazy hobby I embark on he is standing there with pompoms to cheer me on.

In the immortal words of my Dear friend Carol......I love my Life!!!

Spring Blessing to each and everyone who reads this blog. May Spring share its beauty with you.

We give Thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.

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